Q&A: Suzuki Samurai Convertible Top Removal | TopsOnline Blog

Suzuki Samurai convertible top
Image courtesy Flickr/TurnDriverSide

Q: How do I lower the convertible top on my Suzuki Samurai?

A: If you aren’t accustomed to the Suzuki Samurai’s style of convertible top, it can be a little bit difficult to figure out how to remove the soft top. Unlike most convertibles, the Samurai’s top does not feature any lifting or lowering mechanisms. Or even an obvious place to start!


Basically, you just unsnap the top from the Samurai’s frame. There are three types of attachments: snaps, Velcro, and a “bead in the track” fastener. Start by unsnapping the top from the windshield and the bow in the rear (above the rear window).


As you move around your Suzuki Samurai, you will also encounter a few straps which are attached with hook-and-loop fastener (Velcro). Detach these.


When you have un-done all of these fasteners, the final one is a bead in a groove, which is at the B pillars, the column right behind each of the two side doors. Just lift the top, and the bead will come out of the groove in the pillar.


Once you have removed the top, roll it up and tuck it between the tailgate and the rear seats to keep it safe. Now you’re ready for a beautiful drive on a sunny day! (And if you need a new top to refresh your ride, we've got you covered!)

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