Do You Remember These 4 Famous Pink Cadillacs | TopsOnline Blog

Cadillac convertible top
Image courtesy Flickr/H4NUM4N

The pink Cadillac is surprisingly prominent in the popular imagination. Here, then, are four of the most famous pink Cadillacs, presented in chronological order:

1. Elvis (1955)

This appears to be the first pink Cadillac, the one which all others reference. Early in 1955, Elvis bought a 1954 model year Cadillac which had been re-sprayed pink by its owner.

It served as Elvis’ tour bus for himself and the Blue Moon Boys, during which time Elvis had his first hit: his cover of “Baby, Let’s Play House.” As a nod to his touring vehicle, Elvis had changed the lyric “You may get religion” with “You may have a pink Cadillac.” Unfortunately, the car’s brake linings caught fire and destroyed it in June of 1955.

Elvis must have been pretty smitten with his pink Cadillac, though, because a month later he bought a new Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60, and hired his neighbor Art to re-paint it pink. Elvis gave it to his mother as a gift, but as she didn’t drive, he borrowed it to use for his next tour. This second pink Cadillac became one of Elvis’ signature items, and is on display at Graceland today.


2. Mary Kay (1968)

In 1968, Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, bought a Cadillac and had it custom painted to match the blush in her signature makeup compact, “Mountain Laurel Blush.” Her pink Cadillac became so distinctive that she decided to reward her top five sales people every year with their own pink Cadillacs.

This tradition continues today, although sales producers can choose from several different vehicles (or take a $900/month bonus in lieu of the car). The car is on a two-year lease, and if the sales producer fails to hit their monthly sales targets, they have to pay for the lease that month.


3. Bruce Springsteen song (1984)

"They say Eve tempted Adam with an apple but man I ain't going for that/ I know it was her pink Cadillac"

Springsteen’s song “Pink Cadillac” was the B-side (remember when hit songs had B-sides?) of his hit “Dancing in the Dark,” and became famous in its own right. It has since been successfully covered by Melissa Etheridge (although only in concert) and Natalie Cole. Aretha Franklin also borrowed the lyric for her comeback hit “Freeway of Love,” in which she sings "We're going riding on the freeway of love in my pink Cadillac.”


4. Clint Eastwood movie (1989)

Clint Eastwood has become such a revered actor and director that it’s difficult to recall his early career in lousy movies. Out of all of Eastwood’s lousy early movies, this may be the lousiest.

Eastwood plays a bounty hunter who specializes in disguises (e.g. “rodeo clown”). He teams up with Bernadette Peters, who is driving her husband’s pink 1959 Series 62 Cadillac convertible, and attempting to escape a group of white supremacists.

If you have a Cadillac convertible – pink or otherwise – and need a replacement Cadillac soft top, we have a wide array of options of fabrics and colors. Looking for a custom color for your Cadillac convertible top? Contact us!

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